According to the results of the new study, the cheapest way to lose weight is to drink more water. A new study has shown that adults who drink two glasses of water before meal lose on average 1.8 pounds more than those who don’t. Experts reached this conclusion after analyzing 11 other studies that were studying the effect of drinking water on weight, concluding that drinking water helps with weight loss.
The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults consume about 2.5 litters of water per day, via food, plain water or other means. Below we will list how much water your body needs if you trying to lose weight:
If you weigh 60 kilograms (132 pounds) you should drink a minimum of 2 litters.
If you weigh 75 kilograms (165 pounds) your water intake should be around 3.5 liters.
If you trying to lose weight try to drink as much water as possible. Water can help you lose weight and cleanse toxins and other harmful substances out of your body.
American nutritionist, who were the first scientists in the water-weighting principle, came to the conclusion that excessive weight often occurs due to lack of water in the body. They recommend that it is important for everyone to pay attention to how they feel physically and mentally. If you feel lack of patience, experiencing headaches, it is possible that your water intake is low. Good hydration helps proper functioning of all organs, especially the kindeys, which are the natural body liquid filters.
Last Updated on July 27, 2021