Extensive research is currently being conducted on forskolin that has become so popular especially among obese people. Forskolin activates an enzyme in the body called adenylate cyclase which increases the levels of cyclic AMP (a compound involved in a broad range of physiological and biochemical activities in the body). This property is known to significantly impact blood pressure levels by relaxing the blood vessels and increasing the rate of contraction of heart muscles. A study conducted in India saw 75% of tested patients blood pressure levels improved tremendously.
Forskolin has also been determined to improve the levels of a certain hormone called progesterone which helps stabilize blood clotting mechanisms and reducing the risk of platelets clumping together in the blood. This prevents the formation of blood clots allowing the heart to pump blood normally all over the body.
On a study conducted on some overweight men, it was discovered that forskolin actually does prevent weight gain. It was found that it had a decreasing effect on fat percentage and fat mass. This was good news for the heart as it meant that forskolin could actually prevent build up of fat in the blood vessels thus reducing the chances of developing heart conditions.
Forskolin is very effective in managing weight gain. Further studies proved that forskolin could help in destroying accumulated fat when taken together with a certain drug called rolipram. It was determined that these effects were connected to the increase in cyclic AMP levels.
The main cause of heart conditions is obesity which is mostly caused by a large appetite. Forskolin has been proven to suppress appetite by increasing the levels of the cyclic AMP compound thus facilitating normal heart functions.
Another way that forskolin facilitates heart function is by blocking the movement of calcium ions into the muscle cells thus preventing contraction of the muscle cells in the heart and blood vessels. This facilitates muscle relaxation which goes a long way in reducing the chances of a heart attack.
A chemical derivative of forskolin has also been found to reverse damages to a heart that has experienced a heart attack according to a test conducted on a rat. The derivative (NKH477) was found that it could indeed reverse cardiac dysfunction.
Based on the above research statements, we can confidently conclude that forskolin and heart function are definitely intertwined.
Last Updated on July 27, 2021