Can Forskolin Prevent Asthma Attacks?
The number of people diagnosed with asthma is growing. A recent study shows that 1 out of 12 people (8% of the population) have some form of asthma; it can range anywhere from light symptoms to severe asthma attacks. The number of patients has only been growing since 2000. More and more people have asthma, and a higher percentage of children are diagnosed compared to adults. As dim as it may seem, asthma will not wreck your life. It can be dealt with and with proper care and prevention, it may have only the slightest impact on your life.
And now lets answer this question: Can asthma attacks be prevented?
Short answer: Yes! And there is more than one method to do this.
One of the ways to prevent asthma attacks is with a natural herb called Forskolin. Usually, with asthma, the lungs of a person are swollen or inflamed and covered with thick mucus. This triggers lots of uncomfortable symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. This is where Forskolin can come in to help.
Forskolin is a natural herb, yet it is very similar to asthma medicine. It was used centuries ago in Indian medicine for lots of different ailments like glaucoma, high blood pressure, allergies, heart disease and obesity. It mainly functions as a relaxant (although there are additional benefits that it can provide) and helps make breathing easier. When you take Forskolin it immediately begins boosting your levels of cyclic AMP, which in turn affect the muscles around your bronchial tubes, and this can prevent small symptoms from escalating into a severe asthma attacks.
A study done in 2006 by the Journal of International Medical Research found that patients who took Forskolin capsules suffered significantly less asthma attacks then patients who took sodium cromoglycate, (which is another common asthma medicine). This study lasted for six months and in the end researchers concluded that Forskolin had a better impact on asthma than previously expected.
And now lets answer our main question: Can Forskolin help with prevention of asthma attacks?
Short Answer: Yes it can! If you begin to experience negative symptoms such as difficulty breathing or uncontrolled coughing Forskolin might help. Forskolin helps you relax the muscles around your lungs which makes breathing easier. It also helps you control your coughing and wheezing. This leads to mental, emotional, and physical calmness which will be the very key to preventing your next asthma attack.
As always, consult with your doctor first before taking any supplements or medications.
Last Updated on July 27, 2021