About 158 million Americans have green tea at the start of the day. And they may or may not know that they are actually benefiting from the weight loss properties of green tea. If you are among those who consume a combined total of 80 billion cups in the USA every year, then you’ve chosen the one good tea to love.
Green tea is beneficial for the body in several ways. It does boost your caffeine levels helping you start your mornings with zest. But this unique leaf does more than that. The extract is a potent property you can also find on health and beauty product labels today. Green tea is also an ingredient in many weight loss formulas. But even if you just brew loose leaves or a tea bog on its own, this prized drink can help support your weight loss goals and promote overall health.
How does green tea help you lose weight?
Green tea treats body inflammation.
When you brew your green tea leaves in a cup, the leaves release numerous bioactive and highly nutritious compounds. These have anti-inflammatory properties that bring healing to your body. It further fosters healthy functioning. This includes a healthy metabolism of the food you consume. This also means you become more efficient in converting calories into useful energy.
Green tea treats body toxicity.
Brewing green tea leaves also releases detoxifying compounds that combat the harmful effects of free radicals your body ingests from the food and drink you consume as well as from the harmful pollutants found in your environment along with the chemicals in various products you use. Toxicity in the body can hamper energy levels, physical and overall conditioning, metabolism, and more. Green tea detoxifies your system so you can function healthily and achieve weight loss goals through sustained exercise and other physical activities during the day.
Green tea is a natural metabolism booster.
It is full of antioxidants, particularly EGCG catechins. This type is popular for enhancing body metabolism and increasing your capacity for energy burn. When your body metabolizes fat at an enhanced rate, you lose excess fat and lose weight in the process.
Green tea is a natural diuretic.
You don’t need to take pills to expel excess water from your system. Just drink green tea. It is great at dealing with fluid retention issues and tissue inflammation. It can reduce body fat ratios when you take green tea with regularity. Don’t be surprised to shed the belly fat with regular drinking of green tea.
Green tea is a natural stimulant.
Green tea is high on caffeine. It can power you up for each day’s routines and more. It can improve your performance as you exercise, do your walk, run, or pumps. It simultaneously powers you up for the workout and enhances the fat burning rate. Green tea supplies 25% caffeine compared with coffee so you can safely distribute caffeine consumption by taking 3 cups of green tea within the day.
Green tea is a natural fat burner.
Some studies reveal how green tea raises fat burning rates during exercise. Sipping a cup before you start working out can help you burn up to 17% more fat than those who don’t.
How can you use green tea for weight loss?
Replace unhealthy drinks with green tea. Studies report that when you substitute tea in place of high-calorie drinks like sodas and artificial fruit juices, you can lose up to 1 pound each week.
As one cup of green tea provides 200 mg of catechins, the University of Maryland Med Center suggests brewing between 2 to 3 cups each day for intake.
Take high-quality green tea extract supplements. The reason why green tea supplements became a $145 Million industry in 2015 is because it does promote health, including weight loss. Consider taking reputed supplements to ensure that you get an optimum dose each day. Of course, you must seek your doctor’s recommendation before including green tea extract supplements in your daily medication.
Brew green tea leaves properly. Over boiling or overheating the brewing process can damage the catechins. Remember to pour the water into the cup after it has settled from boiling. Don’t boil the tea too short, else, you won’t get enough of a brew. Don’t boil it too much, else, you will end up with bitter tea.
Drink Matcha. Powdered or finely ground green tea is very nutritious and easy to incorporate into your diet. You can make smoothies and shakes out of it. Blend some with some avocado or banana for a healthy drink. You can even make healthy ice cream. You can also bake treats like muffins, cookies, and pancakes with matcha. Recipes are accessible online. Keep them handy so you have quick instructions to help you prepare healthy snacks and drinks when the craving comes.
Last Updated on July 27, 2021