Many people can attest to the fact that the weight loss is very strenuous. It gets worse when someone doesn’t meet the goal that they had set for themselves despite putting in the effort. It is for this reason that people came up with weight loss supplements. They are intended to help people by either suppressing their appetites or promoting an increased fat burning process.
Two of the most common weight loss supplements are the Forskolin and Garcinia Cambogia supplements. As much as they serve similar functions by assisting in weight loss, these two supplements also have a number of differences.
Garcinia Cambogia
This plant-based supplement comes from an extract that is obtained from the berries that the Garcinia plant produces. The key ingredients which are found in this supplement include Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), Calcium, Potassium, and Chromium.
The HCA is especially beneficial through its weight loss effect. To begin with, it has proved that it can block the formation and storage of fat. When there is an excess amount of carbohydrates in your body, a hormone by the name citrate lyase initiates a process of converting the extra carbohydrates into fat. However, the HCA can inhibit this process thus decreasing the amount of fat that is produced by the body.
Secondly, the Garcinia Cambogia supplement is essential for its ability to suppress appetite. It can stimulate the body to release more serotonin which is crucial for preventing emotional eating by putting you in a good mood. By being able to suppress appetite, this supplement can help those who are not able to control their eating habits. Ultimately, it will help such people to lose weight.
Forskolin and how it works
On the other hand, the Forskolin supplement is an extract from the roots of Plectranthus Barbatus. Other than its weight loss properties, this plant has been used for years in the treatment of conditions such as high blood pressure. However, this supplement works in a different way compared to its counterpart the Garcinia Cambogia.
It successfully helps people to cut down on weight by stimulating an increased rate at which fat is broken down. It does so by increasing the production of the lipase hormone which burns the excess fat in the body. In addition, when one takes this supplement, it causes the body to produce Adenosine Monophosphate which stimulates the burning of fats in body cells.
In addition, this supplement also contains hydrocarbons which can increase the body metabolism. An increased BMR rate is good at helping to burn more fats and calories. This supplement is also effective in the building of lean muscles. This is important for those who are intending to achieve good health through being physically fit.
Similarities between Forskolin and Garcinia Cambogia
The most obvious similarity between these two supplements is that they both have a positive impact on weight loss. Even though they achieve this through different mechanisms, they still help people to reach their desired weight goals.
Another thing that these two supplements have in common is that they are naturally obtained from plants. While Forskolin is found in the Plectranthus Barbatus, the Garcinia is extracted from the berries of the Garcinia plant. Further, both of these supplements are also beneficial towards the promotion of better health.
Differences between Forskolin and Garcinia Canbogia
As much as these supplements are similar, they are also different in many ways. To begin with, the plants from which they are extracted from have different origins. The plant from which the Forskolin supplement is extracted originated from some countries in Asia and Southern Africa. On the other hand, the origin of the Garcinia plant is Indonesia and Central Africa.
Secondly, the weight loss methods that are involved in these two supplements are different. While the Garcinia Cambogia supplement mainly works by preventing the process of fat formation in the body, Forskolin helps in weight reduction through increased rate at which fat is burned.
To add to that, the Forskolin is different from the Garcinia supplement in the sense that it has more health benefits. This supplement has been used in treating asthma, heart problems, and insomnia. Consequently, some people argue that it might be a better option as it comes with additional benefits.
The last point of distinction between these supplements is related to the possible side effects. Several people have suggested that Forskolin might cause side effects such as headaches or changes in blood pressure. On the other hand, Garcinia is said to cause no to very minimal side effects.
Last Updated on July 27, 2021