It is quite possible for a person who is overweight to lose at least 15 pounds in a month. When someone loses weight that quickly, they are very likely to regain that weight when they go back to their normal eating habits. If you spread the weight loss over a few months, you will find that the overall results will be much better and it will be easier to keep the weight off. However, if you are determined to lose weight quickly, the first thing you need to do is see what your daily goal is in order to determine if a reduction in calories will make it a reality for you.
Calculate Your Daily Calories
You have heard it time and time again, but, it is very true. When it comes down to weight loss, you have to consume less calories than your burn. Doesn’t seem too complicated right? When you create this kind of calorie deficit then your body is forced to burn the fat that is stored. The first thing you need to do it figure out how many calories your body needs to maintain your current weight.
The easiest way for you to do this is with an online calculator. It will calculate your BMI and maintenance calories based on your height, current weight, age, and level of activity. This will tell you if you are in a healthy range, overweight, or obese.
Losing Weight Healthy
When it comes to cutting calories to lose weight quickly, it is important to keep in mind that you still need to consume enough calories to maintain your energy levels and take in enough nutrients. When you calculate how many calories you can consume daily in order to achieve your weight loss goal, it is important to stay above 1,200 for women and 1,800 for men.
If your calorie level falls below those numbers, then it is not going to be ideal or healthy for you to try to lose 15 pounds in one month. When your calorie level is reduced by too much, you will not get the nutrients that your body needs. Also, your metabolism will slow down greatly and you will find that you are not losing weight.
It is ideal for a person to try to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. This can be done by simply lessening your calorie intake by 500 – 1,000 calories. At the rate of just below 2 pounds a week, you will lose 15 pounds in two months.
Balanced Diet
By eating healthy, whole foods, and avoiding foods that are processed, you can lose weight without having to invest a lot of effort into counting calories. Each meal should contain 4-6 ounces of lean protein and added leafy, green vegetables. You can also add in a small amount of starchy vegetables or whole grains to a couple of your meals.
Great sources of lean protein can be found in eggs, fish, tenderloin, skinless poultry, beans, and sirloin. There is also protein in low-fat dairy products such as milk and yogurt.
You want to keep sugars to a minimum. Empty calories are found in soda, candy, alcohol, and coffee. These should also be avoided in order to reach your daily calorie goals.
With any diet, it is important to make lifestyle changes. While it is possible for the weight to come off quickly, you want to be able to keep it off and maintain a healthy weight for yourself. The best way to do this is to change your eating habits and exercise levels. Eating healthy and staying active are both equally important when it comes to weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
You will that when you lose weight the healthy way, you will adapt to a new lifestyle of healthy eating and activity that becomes a part of your every day life and you will no longer think of it as a diet. It will become a second nature to you and not something that you have to put much thought into doing.
Once you rid your body of the junk, you will feel completely different. You will find an increase in your energy levels which will make it easier for you to exercise and increase your daily activity. Without a doubt, decreasing your calorie intake can be hard to do at first, especially if you are accustomed to overeating. Your body learns to expect those extra calories. Once your retrain both your mind and body to expect less, you will not miss the extra calories or food at all.
Being healthy is a way of life for many. One that they find great satisfaction in. When your body learns to expect the healthy food, it will no longer crave the junk food as it once did before, making it easier for you.
Last Updated on July 27, 2021