The faster your metabolism works, the more calories you burn; no matter what you’re doing. Naturally, some people have higher metabolism rates than others; making it easy for them to take junk foods, and still not add weight. However, there is a solution to speed up metabolism and eventually lose weight for those of us who are not lucky enough.
Eat enough proteins.
Though eating proteins increase metabolism for a few hours, it is one of the most straightforward methods for boosting metabolism. For positive results with this method, you need to eat the right amount of proteins in every meal. Overdoing it may cause more harm than good, therefore, keep your intake between 30 – 40g per meal; your body will store anything above that as fat.
Drink green tea.
Next time you’re craving for a hot beverage, opt for green tea. According to research, taking four to five cups of this herb, then doing a 25-minute workout increases your metabolism significantly. The results got compared to coffee drinkers who did the same 25-minute workout; the green tea team won the challenge. Green tea contains catechins, an antioxidant that helps your body to release fat cells and convert them into energy.
High-intensity workout.
You should try out the HIIT class in your gym; it involves taking your favorite exercise a notch higher for about 30 to 60 seconds. After which, you can rest by returning to the average speed. Repeat those high-intensity exercises up to 10 times to speed up metabolism and eventually lose weight.
Go with whole grains.
When you have a meal with whole grains, the body uses up more energy to break them down compared to processed foods. Therefore, try to avoid or limit processed foods in your diet and replace them with brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal and sprouted grain bread.
Stand more during the day.
A recent study in Britain supported the fact that standing more during the working hours helps burn more calories; you’ll burn 50 more calories when standing compared to when sitting for three hours. In fact, life was designed to be full of activity so, sitting behind your desk for more than eight hours is doing more harm than good.
Drink more cold water.
Research suggests that, by drinking more water, you increase your metabolism rate significantly. It is partly because your body needs to heat up the water before use. So, aim for 1.5 liters of water a day but make sure you have some immediately after waking up. Metabolism tends to slow down during the night so, a glass of water in the morning goes a long way in the right direction.
There are many ways of increasing metabolism, but most of the solutions are in the food we eat. So, if you’re selective about what you eat, you might burn calories even before you hit the gym.
Last Updated on July 27, 2021